Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa.
data-id="37304598@N02" - your flickr id
data-limit="16" - maximum images to load
<div class="widget-flickr clearfix lightbox margin-bottom-60" data-id="37304598@N02" data-limit="16" data-plugin-options='{"delegate": "a", "gallery": {"enabled": true}}'></div>
data-php="php/twitter/tweet.php" - widget php path
data-username="stepofweb" - twitter username
data-limit="3" - maximum twwts to load
php/_cache/ - folder should be writable by the webserver!
- it's used to cache tweets
<ul class="widget-twitter margin-bottom-60" data-php="php/twitter/tweet.php" data-username="stepofweb" data-limit="3">
data-token - your dribble token!
Create your app token: https://dribbble.com/account/applications/new
data-shots="2046896" - dribbble shots id
data-col="4" - columns (1 to 6 - recommended 3 to 6 and 1,2 only on sidebars)
data-target - optional (_blank|_self) - open the image in a new windows or on the same window (default: _blank)
<ul class="widget-dribbble clearfix" data-col="4" data-shots="2046896" data-token="f688ac519289f19ce5cebc1383c15ad5c02bd58205cd83c86cbb0ce09170c1b4"></ul>
Replace stepofweb with your facebook id
.hidden-xs = hide on mobile
<iframe class="hidden-xs noborder"
width:263px; height:258px;">
Replace http://www.stepofweb.com with your webiste or page URL.
Button Layouts:
Button Types
<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://www.stepofweb.com" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-show-faces="false" data-share="false"></div>
Replace http://www.stepofweb.com with your webiste or page URL.
Button Layouts:
<div class="fb-share-button" data-href="http://www.stepofweb.com" data-layout="box_count"></div>